Resumed and Designed by. Hasrawati Hasan, S.Pd
Source : Hasrawati Hasan Sandiong Channel
Definition of Public Notice
A Notice is a simple word with a simple font written in a placard or notice board as a formal means of communication to announce or display information to a specific group of people.
Meaning :
Pemberitahuan adalah kata sederhana dengan font sederhana yang ditulis dalam plakat atau papan pengumuman sebagai sarana komunikasi formal untuk mengumumkan atau menampilkan informasi kepada sekelompok orang tertentu.
Social Function of
Public Notice
There are many functions or purposes of Notice text, they are used:
Ada banyak fungsi atau tujuan dari teks Notice, yang digunakan:
To give an instruction / to instruct people to…. (Untuk memberikan instruksi / untuk menginstruksikan orang untuk ....)
To give information / to inform people to…. (Untuk memberi informasi / menginformasikan kepada orang-orang untuk….)
To give direction (Untuk memberi arah)
To ask people to…. (Untuk meminta orang untuk ….)
To advice/to suggest / to recommend people to…. (Untuk menasihati / menyarankan / merekomendasikan orang untuk….)
To remind people to…. (Untuk mengingatkan orang agar….)
To warn / to give warning (Untuk memperingatkan / memberi peringatan)
To ban / to forbid / to prohibit people to… (Untuk melarang / melarang / melarang orang untuk…)
Characteristics of
Public Notice
The characteristics of notice text are:
Source : Hasrawati Hasan Sandiong Channel
Generic Structure of
Public Notice
There are three parts of generic structure of public notice they are : attention gather, information, and closure.
* Attention gather (optional)
Using expressions or phrases that can attract readers’ or people’s attention such as Notice, Warning, or Caution
For Example:
Source : Hasrawati Hasan Sandiong Channel
* Information
The messages or information of the text that want to be delivered to people.
For Example:
Source : Hasrawati Hasan Sandiong Channel
* Closure (optional)
Closure is an act of closing: the condition of being closed. Closure in notice text can be defined as a closing statement of notice.
For Example:
Source : Hasrawati Hasan Sandiong Channel
Language Features of
Public Notice
Using Imperative mood (imperative sentence) is a verb form which makes a command or a request. E.g. Empty the bin, John, Get out!
Using Declarative reference --- Form is Subject + Verb and usually a full-stop/period (.) --- E.g. John speaks Japanese.
Spoken / written language features ---- (1) Use Personal Pronoun (2) Sentence structure of spoken language is shorter and easier than written language (3) emphasize ideas words, repetition and phrases occur more than written style (4) Tone is applied in spoken language (5) words are mostly used in spoken style in order to ensure readers’ understanding (6)as the feature of spoken language style such as “as mentioned above”
* Menggunakan Imperative mood (kalimat imperatif) adalah bentuk kata kerja yang membuat perintah atau permintaan. Misalnya. Kosongkan tempat sampah, John, Keluar!
* Menggunakan referensi Deklaratif --- Formulir adalah Subjek + Kata Kerja dan biasanya titik/titik (.) --- Contoh. John berbicara bahasa Jepang.
* Ciri-ciri bahasa lisan/tulisan ---- (1) Penggunaan Personal Pronoun (2) Struktur kalimat bahasa lisan lebih pendek dan lebih mudah daripada bahasa tulis (3) menekankan ide kata, pengulangan dan frase terjadi lebih dari gaya tertulis (4) Tone is diterapkan dalam bahasa lisan (5) kata-kata sebagian besar digunakan dalam gaya lisan untuk memastikan pemahaman pembaca (6) sebagai fitur gaya bahasa lisan seperti "seperti yang disebutkan di atas"
Kinds of
Public Notice
Source : Hasrawati Hasan Sandiong Channel
Source : Hasrawati Hasan Sandiong Channel
== Important Worksheet ==
After reading all above material you may access the link below to evaluate of learning comprehension about English for Public Notice - Exploring Public Notice :
Saefurrohman, Ph.D. 2019. English for Public Information, Kemendikbud.