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Writer's picture:  Hasrawati Hasan Sandiong Hasrawati Hasan Sandiong


Written by. Hasrawati Hasan, S.Pd

Kompetensi Dasar:

3.18 Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks prosedur lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait manual penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan bidang keahlian dan konteks penggunaannya

4.18 Menyusun teks prosedur, lisan dan tulis, dalam bentuk manual terkait penggunaan teknologi dan kiat-kiat (tips), dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks


Definition of Procedure Text


Text that describes how something can be made or used through a series of steps.

Artinya : 
Teks yang menggambarkan bagaimana sesuatu dapat dibuat atau digunakan melalui sebuah langkah-langkah.

In English it is better known as "how to something". The form of procedure text can explain how to do certain activities, how to use tools, and something that is related to human habits or nature.

Penjelasan : 
Biasanya, teks ini diawali dengan “How to ..." Contohnya, “How to operate ..." atau “How to make ..." , "How to create ..."


Social Function of

Procedure Text


The purpose of procedure text is to make its readers understand and know how to make or operate something through successive steps.

Artinya : 
Tujuan dari procedure text adalah untuk membuat para pembacanya mengerti dan mengetahui bagaimana cara, dalam membuat atau mengoperasikan sesuatu melalui langkah-langkah yang berurutan.


Structure Text of of

Procedure Text


There are 3 elements of the recount text structure, namely:

(1) Aims/Goal (Goal)

The purpose of the procedure text will be found in its title. For example, to explain how to make mango juice, the goal would be written into the title itself, for example "how to make a mango juice".

(2) Ingredients/Materials

Things can be materials or tools needed to make something. For example, to make mango juice, the ingredients needed are mangoes, water, and so on.

(3) Steps

Contains steps or stages in making, doing, or operating something. This section is usually written sequentially (chronologically), starting from the initial step to the last process until finally the purpose of the procedure text is achieved.


Language features of

Procedure Text


  1. Written using the Simple Present Tense, because the content of the sentence is in the form of facts related to how to make or use something.

  2. Using imperative sentences (command sentences). Example: cut the mango, chop the garlic, pour the water, and others.

  3. Using conjunctive/connective words to connect one activity to the next. Example: firstly, secondly, then, after that, last, finally and others.

  4. Using adverbs (adverbs) to give an adverb of time Example: for 3 minutes, one hour, until, and to give explanations of how, such as thoroughly, well, fast, and so on.

== Simple Present Tense ==

Simple present tense is tenses that are used when an event is currently taking place or an event that takes place repeatedly (habits). This tense is the most frequently used tenses in English.

for example :

  • To indicate a recurring event that is currently taking place. * I take the motorcycle to the office * The train to Bekasi leaves every hour. * George sleeps seven hours every night during the week.

  • To show a fact. * The President of Indonesia is Joko Widodo. * A snake has no legs. * Indonesia has thirty-four provinces, from Sabang to Merauke.

  • To show a habit (habit). * Randy gets up early at 5 o'clock every day. * Adinda takes a bath twice a day. * Every year on Lebaran, most people travel to their hometown.

* The sentence patterns are verbal sentences:

(+) Affirmative sentences ------ Subject + Verb-1 + s/es + Complement

  • She reads Harry Potter books every day.

(-) negative sentences ------ Subject + do/does + not + Verb-1 + Complement

  • They don’t watch new movies every Sunday.

(?) simple Interrogative sentences ------ do/does + subject + Verb-1 + Complement

  • does she come alone to your class this morning?

(?) Information Interrogative sentences ------ QW + do/does + subject + Verb-1 + Complement

  • Why does she come alone to your class this morning?

* The sentence patterns are Nomina sentences:

(+) Affirmative sentences ------ Subject + am/is/are + non verb

  • She is sad because she doesn't find her favorite night gown.

(-) negative sentences ------ Subject + am/is/are + not + non verb

  • He is not happy because you come late to her party.

(?) simple Interrogative sentences ------ am/is/are + subject + non verb

  • are you bored in her party?

(?) Information Interrogative sentences ------ QW + am/is/are + subject + non verb

  • Where are you this morning?, I want to meet with you in the Jane's Birthday party.


Examples of Procedure Text










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